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This site can be used individually, or with a group - study with a friend, neighbor, spouse or child!
Choose a book of the Bible and break it down into sections to study each week. You can use one of our breakdowns or your own.
Here are some resources you’ll want:
A print out of the book you’re studying (so you can mark it up). Another option is to purchase a scripture journal - they’re currently available in ESV, NKJV and CSB.
Overview worksheet (Download). Get a grasp of the overview of the book. For this section, you’ll need a study Bible or commentary - anything with notes about the context and history of the book you’re studying.
Chart worksheet (Download). Chart each passage, using Observation > Interpretation > Application.
Questions for Inductive Bible Study Guide (Download). These questions will help you process through what you’re studying.
Share your insights each week on this website, around your dinner table, or with your Bible study group.