Welcome to the Community

  • This site can be used individually, or with a group - study with a friend, neighbor, spouse or child!

  • Choose a book of the Bible and break it down into sections to study each week. You can use one of our breakdowns or your own.

  • Here are some resources you’ll want:

  1. A print out of the book you’re studying (so you can mark it up). Another option is to purchase a scripture journal - they’re currently available in ESV, NKJV and CSB.

  2. Overview worksheet (Download). Get a grasp of the overview of the book. For this section, you’ll need a study Bible or commentary - anything with notes about the context and history of the book you’re studying.

  3. Chart worksheet (Download). Chart each passage, using Observation > Interpretation > Application.

  4. Questions for Inductive Bible Study Guide (Download). These questions will help you process through what you’re studying.

  • Share your insights each week on this website, around your dinner table, or with your Bible study group.

Inductive Bible Study

for Individuals or Groups